Your Ideas.
Our Expertise.

We take your vision for your church design and make it a reality. Your Canvas, Our Artists.

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Your Church Canvas

Custom to You

We tailor to your needs, every space is unique

Flexible Budget

You won't spend a penny more than what is necessary, We will make sure you stay on budget.

Custom Tailored Training

Training made specific to your team and your needs

Custom Branded Content

All content created for you will be branded to your desires and needs

Dedicated Team Member

Lead Team Member assigned to you for all your needs.

Need a change? No Problem!

If you change your mind before install on what you want, no problem, we're flexible!

“I believe that every person has uniqueness—something that nobody else has.”

—Michael Schenker

Church Canvas

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Our Services

Web Optimization

Audio Visual Optimization

Production Revamp

Branding and Design

What does your church canvas look like?